When returning to Liberia, finding the right accommodation is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Below is a selection of hotels that cater to various preferences and budgets, ensuring a welcoming experience for all visitors.

List of Hotels in Monrovia

Bella Casa Hotel 3rd St., Sinkor 0777692272 bellacasaliberia.com reservaations@bellacasliberia.com 35 rooms, 8 with king size bed, 27 with queen size beds
COLONY HOTEL Tubman Blvd +231777002288 colonyclubliberia@gmail.com 59 rooms and Olympic size pool
Embassy Suites Hotel Mamba Point +231770920992 / +231888403515 embassysuiteslib.com frontdesk@embassysuiteslib.com
Boulevard Palace 13th St. Sinkor +231880880444 / +231775880444 blvdpalacelib.com reservations@boulevardpalacelib.com
Corina Hotel Tubman Blvd, Sinkor +231886538588 / +231777538588 corinahotelliberia.info corinahotel2003@yahoo.com
Flower Hotel 25th St., Sinkor +231777950008
B. First Hotel 71 20th St. Tubman Blvd, Sinkor +231777717171 / +231555717171 reservationb71@gmail.com
Eco Hotel 14th St. Cheeseman Ave, Sinkor +231770195596 ecohotellib.com 18 rooms, 3 double beds, 4 king size beds
Sunset Inn Guest House Fish Market, Tubman Blvd, Sinkor +231880141141 / +231775141141 sunsetinn-lib.com info@sunsetinn-lib.com 25 rooms, 5 twin size, 15 king size
Murex Plaza Hotel & Suites 10th St., Tubman Blvd, Sinkor +231880590000 / +231770655555 murexplaza.com reservation@murexplaza.com
Mamba Point Hotel Mamba Point +231778171923 / +231886701069 mambapointhotel.com reservations@mambapointhotel.com
Cape Hotel Mamba Point +231777006633 / +231886798333 thecapehotellib.com info@capehotelliberia.com
Royal Grand Hotel 15th St. & Tubman Blvd, Sinkor +231555777888 / +231888777888 royalgrandhotel.com reservation@royalgrandhotel.com
RLJ Kendeja Resort Robertsfield Highway, Kendeja Village +231886016397 / +231770533415 kendejaresort.com.lr reservations@kendejaresort.com.lr
Life Style Luxury Hotel & Residence Cement Rd, Hope Community, Thinkers Village +231770000220 lifestyleluxuryhotel.com info@lifestyleluxuryhotel.com
Crown Hotel Opposite Paynesville City Hall, AB Tolbert Rd +231888686063 / +231776121026
Tropicana Beach Resort Thinkers Village +231770529639 kadisamir@yahoo.com
Precious House(apartments) Nigeria House Community Old Road +231775800046 / +231886112380 deronvb@gmail.com
Muriel’s Place(Airbnb) Edge Water Drive, Opposite Lonestar Office +231776309644 msieh66@gmail.com
Tropical Palm Villa Michael Francis Rd, Congo Town +231775047428 tropicalpalmliberia.com tropicalpalmliberia@gmail.com