The Office of the Diaspora Affairs Republic of Liberia is dedicated to increasing the Liberian diaspora’s participation in political, economic, and civic matters. By engaging policymakers, raising public awareness, and forming strategic partnerships, we aim to create more pathways for representation and inclusion.

Our lobbying and advocacy efforts focus on ensuring that the voices of diaspora members are heard and that they have a meaningful role in shaping Liberia’s future. Through this approach, we seek to build a more inclusive environment where diaspora contributions are integrated into national decision-making processes. Together, we can create a stronger Liberia by empowering the global diaspora to share their expertise and resources.

Core Approaches to Lobbying and Advocacy include:

Engage with Policymakers

  • Direct Outreach: Establish consistent communication with policymakers at various levels of government to advocate for policies that support the inclusion and participation of the Diaspora community. This includes arranging meetings, attending legislative sessions, and presenting research-backed proposals.
  • Collaborative Dialogue: Foster a culture of collaborative dialogue by organizing roundtable discussions, policy workshops, and briefings with key decision-makers. This approach ensures that the concerns and interests of the Diaspora are well understood and considered in policymaking.
  • Present Compelling Arguments: Develop persuasive arguments based on data, success stories, and research to demonstrate the benefits of increased Diaspora participation. Highlight how their inclusion can drive economic growth, enhance cultural diversity, and strengthen international ties.

Raise Public Awareness and Education

  • Media Campaigns: Launch media campaigns to raise public awareness about the significance of Diaspora participation in political and economic discourse. Utilize social media, television, radio, and print media to reach a broad audience.
  • Public Forums and Events: Organize public forums, seminars, and events to engage with the broader community, share information, and promote a positive narrative about the Diaspora’s contributions to Liberia. This can also include organizing conferences and cultural events that highlight the Diaspora’s achievements.
  • Educational Initiatives: Develop educational materials, reports, and presentations that articulate the value of Diaspora involvement in national development. Distribute these resources to schools, community organizations, and public institutions to encourage a broader understanding of Diaspora issues.

Forge Strategic Partnerships

  • Identify Key Stakeholders: Work with government agencies, NGOs, civil society organizations, and international partners to build strategic partnerships that support the advocacy goals. Identify common objectives and work collaboratively to achieve them.
  • Leverage International Support: Establish partnerships with international organizations and Diaspora advocacy networks to gain broader support for the cause. Collaborate on joint initiatives and cross-border advocacy campaigns to strengthen the Diaspora’s voice on a global scale.
  • Create Coalition and Networks: Form coalitions with other advocacy groups and stakeholders to amplify the impact of lobbying efforts. A united front can increase the pressure on policymakers and ensure a more inclusive approach to decision-making.

Targeted Outcomes

  • Policy Changes and Legal Reforms: Through effective lobbying and advocacy, the Diaspora Office aims to drive policy changes and legal reforms that enable greater participation of the Diaspora community in government, economic, and civic matters.
  • Increased Diaspora Representation: These strategies will contribute to increased representation of the Diaspora in political and economic spheres, leading to a more inclusive and equitable environment.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Engagement: By engaging with policymakers and forging strategic partnerships, the Diaspora Office hopes to foster stronger collaboration and engagement between the Diaspora community and government institutions.
  • Positive Public Perception: Raising public awareness and educating the community will help cultivate a positive perception of the Diaspora, showcasing their contributions and encouraging broader support for their inclusion in national discourse.

Get Involved Now

Join our efforts to promote cultural exchange and socio-economic growth. Your ideas and support are essential to making this happen. Contact us to see how you can contribute.